Hola, This is Liberty Hall, where you can spit on the mat, and call the cat a bastard. Fiber is the primary theme, but it’s not the only thing I’m gonna talk about. Pull up a chair, get a drink from the bar, and sit for a spell.
Life, and other stuff
I am spinning. I am dealing with photographic issues, health issues, yanno, life. I’m trying to remind myself how to knit. I was never any good at it. I am competent to make... READ MORE
I’ve been spending the past week as the guest poster on @peopleofcraft, on Twitter. It’s been interesting. The limited space of the format forces me to take what I’m saying and break it... READ MORE
Where the rubber meets the road
I have a commission. This sweater has a hole in it. The yarn is a pretty standard guage, but the material is 100 percent cashmere, so getting the yarn is a little... READ MORE
Public and private
I’ve been doing a lot of the latter and none of the former for the past couple of months. Right now I have a dozen skeins that need to be “boiled” and... READ MORE
Yarn to order
I do commissions. Why would you want one? Control. What sort of control? Quantity. If you look at my shop you will see a fair bit of yarn. You will also note that... READ MORE